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8 Ways to Lose Weight in Sobriety Without Dieting

8 Ways to Lose Weight in Sobriety Without Dieting

What To Know

  • Sometimes, if you’re actively looking for ways to lose weight and need a kick-start, considering a good fat-burning supplement can be a straightforward method.
  • When it comes to ways to lose weight, cutting back on sugar seems like a no-brainer, but cutting back on sugar can be difficult, especially in early sobriety.

Alcohol addiction can have a range of negative effects on a person’s health, including weight gain. For those seeking ways to lose weight, this challenge can be particularly acute during alcohol recovery.

Weight loss is often a goal for many, and achieving it in alcohol recovery can be harder without compromising the goal of long-term sobriety.

In this article, we’ll explore ten simple and effective ways to lose weight while maintaining sobriety, focusing on strategies that extend beyond traditional dieting methods.

Incorporate movement into your day

If you’re looking at easy ways to lose weight, Exercise is a great way to kick-start your weight loss journey, which can boost your mood and ultimately overall health.

Although different forms of exercise are encouraged, simply just adding some walking into your day can be a low-impact way to concisely start thinking about weight loss.

Learn more here on Exercise in Sobriety: How it Helps & Why More Isn’t Better.

Ways to lose weight? Hydrate

Drinking water is essential for good health, and in fact, drinking more may actually help reduce hunger levels throughout the day.

You may even simply want to switch some caloric drinks throughout the day with water (or soda water), with studies showing this as an effective intervention for weight loss (Jiménez Cruz et al., 2019).

Fat Burning Supplements

Sometimes, if you’re actively looking for ways to lose weight and need a kick-start, considering a good fat-burning supplement can be a straightforward method.

Remember, supplements should never be the sole solution and must always be complemented with regular exercise and a balanced diet for effective weight loss.

One supplement I recommend for those on their weight loss journey is HEAT by UM Sports. This product not only assists in burning fat, but also supports a healthy metabolism and overall health, aligning well with various ways to lose weight. For any purchase of HEAT, don’t forget to use the code CLARITY to receive 10% OFF!

Eat the Rainbow

Looking after our base nutritional health is an absolute must if you’re looking to lose weight, incorporating a range of fruits and vegetables into your day.

When we quit alcohol, it’s not uncommon to have nutrient deficiencies, and in fact, is common in individuals undergoing recovery treatment (Mahboub et al., 2021).

That’s why, this area is both critical and part of the 5 Simple Habits You Should Be Doing to Sustain Long-Term Sobriety.

Cut Back on Sugar

When it comes to ways to lose weight, cutting back on sugar seems like a no-brainer, but cutting back on sugar can be difficult, especially in early sobriety. 

Usually, when we quit alcohol, our addiction can be transferred to substances that trigger the same neurotransmitters (Gottfredson & Sokol, 2019), and this can end up being non-alcoholic sugary beverages and foods.

This creates undesirable weight gain, so if we consciously cut back or limit these foods, this will help with weight loss.

Are sugar cravings becoming too much? Glutamine works wonders for this, and you can pick it up cheap on Amazon or at (use code CLARITY for 10% OFF)

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is a big deal I dedicate a large portion of this area in my book (it’s coming, eventually).

Lack of sleep disrupts hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, such as ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates our appetite, while leptin suppresses appetite and increases energy expenditure. 

Studies actually show lack of sleep increases our ghrelin levels and decreases leptin, increasing our hunger and decreasing the energy we spend.

Keep an eye out for my book or subscribe here, because I go much deeper on sleep!

Be Mindful of Stress

Stress is probably the most underrated area of health, particularly when considering ways to lose weight. When we’re chronically stressed, it affects multiple areas of our health, including our ability to effectively manage and lose weight.

One thing stress does is elevate our cortisol, a hormone that’s released in response to stress. When cortisol levels are high, it can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, and over time, lead to insulin resistance (Yan et al., 2016).

Insulin resistance means our body becomes less efficient in handling sugars in the blood, leading to weight gain and the development of type-2 diabetes.

More on Alcohol Addiction and Stress: The Impacts On Early Sobriety here.

Set Realistic Goals

With all of this in mind, it’s also crucial to set realistic weight goals as part of your ways to lose weight, so you can stay on track and motivated.

One thing I’ve noticed with individuals who quit alcohol is their high level of drive, which often tempts them to go full throttle into their weight loss journey. However, diving too quickly into aggressive ways to lose weight can lead to falling short of these goals.

Moreover, it may increase the risk of relapse. Therefore, it’s important to start slow and approach weight loss in a balanced and sustainable manner.

Perhaps kick-start with a fat-burning supplement, and focus on your water intake and movement, keep it simple, to begin with.

The Takeaway

In conclusion, weight loss can be a challenging goal to achieve in sobriety, but it’s not impossible. 

Incorporating simple lifestyle changes, such as adding more movement to your day, staying hydrated, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, cutting back on sugar, practising good sleep hygiene, managing stress, and setting realistic goals can help you reach your weight loss goals without compromising your sobriety. 

Remember to take things slow and steady, and seek professional help if necessary. By implementing these ten tips, you can support your overall health and well-being in sobriety.

If you have any feedback regarding this article, reach out. Help Clarity reach more people and quit addiction by following us on Instagram, it’s also the perfect place to message us and ask questions!


  • Gottfredson, N. C., & Sokol, R. (2019). Explaining Excessive Weight Gain during Early Recovery from Addiction. Substance Use & Misuse, 54(5), 769–778.
  • Jiménez Cruz, A., Bracamontes-Castelo, G., & Bacardí-Gascón, M. (2019). Effect of water consumption on weight loss: a systematic review. Nutrición Hospitalaria.
  • Mahboub, N., Rizk, R., Karavetian, M., & de Vries, N. (2021). Nutritional status and eating habits of people who use drugs and/or are undergoing treatment for recovery: a narrative review. Nutrition Reviews, 79(6), 627–635.
  • Yan, Y.-X., Xiao, H.-B., Wang, S.-S., Zhao, J., He, Y., Wang, W., & Dong, J. (2016). Investigation of the Relationship Between Chronic Stress and Insulin Resistance in a Chinese Population. Journal of Epidemiology, 26(7), 355–360.